homemade pancake mix

Who doesn’t love pancakes for brunch on Saturday morning? Or how about for dinner Sunday night? Growing up, we would have pancakes for dinner once a month. It was quite an occasion with Dad putting on his dress suit and bow tie and acting the goat if we had friends over – such great memories – pancakes will always have a special place in my heart.

With this easy to make pancake mix, they’ll have a special place in your heart too because making them is a breeze. No need to buy a pre-made mix from the supermarket; pre-do a big jar of this mix and have it on hand ready to go. You’ll know exactly what’s in it and you can use different flours if you choose.

The key to soft fluffy pancakes is to not over mix the batter, a few lumps are ok, then leave it to sit for an hour before using, you also need to make sure your pan is hot enough to cook each pancake quickly, maximum is 30 seconds each side, a good rule of thumb is to flip as soon as the bubbles pop.

Too much oil in your pan will make your pancake too oily which won’t taste very good, using butter can cause them to burn as it has a low burn rate, for perfect pancakes every time brush your pan with a little coconut oil before you cook each one.

Homemade Pancake Mix

3 cups all-purpose flour sifted

1 cup whole wheat flour

3 tablespoons Edmonds Baking Powder

2 teaspoons Green Goddess Premium Baking Soda

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons granulated sugar or honey

Here’s what to do …

Store your pancake mix in a jar, will keep for a couple of months is air tight. When you are ready to use it do this…

Take a cup of your pancake mix and place in a bowl, make a well in the center. Beat together 1 egg (or egg replacer) and 1 cup of milk (or buttermilk which is far superior as one of our customers suggested). Pour into the well in the flour and mix together gently until combined. Let sit for an hour, then grease your heated pan by brushing with a little oil and cook each pancake for no longer than 3 minutes, turn as the first bubbles pop.

*You can replace 1 tablespoon of flax seed and 2 tablespoons of filtered water with Orgran Egg Replacer (1 tsp to 2 Tbs water). I didn’t have any flax seed on hand and found Orgran worked very well. We also added 1 tsp of vanilla essence for flavour.