Ouch! The uncomfortable pain from getting stabbed by a rose thorn is something most avid gardeners have experienced from time to time. The initial pain however is nothing compared to contracting Sporothrix Schenckii otherwise known as Rose Gardener’s Disease.

One prick in the finger can quickly turn into extreme swelling and a trip to the hospital. This dangerous fungal infection can spread quickly and will require antifungal medication to stop it and the swelling and stiffness can be ongoing for quite some time.

Prevention is by far the best medicine!

This information is from the Gardeners Face Book Page …

Sporothrix Schenckii is a fungus that resides on hay, sphagnum mosses and the tips of rose thorns ,and can cause redness, swelling and open ulcers at the puncture site.

The fungus can spread to the lymphatic system and move on to the joints and bones, where it ends up attacking the central nervous system and lungs when the thorn or thorns are deeply embedded.

Diagnosis can be complicated because the condition is relatively uncommon. When an ulcer does present, it is often mistaken by a physician as a staph or strep infection and gets treated accordingly. It is only when the antibiotics prescribed fail to eradicate the ulcer that physicians look outside the box.

Many people enjoy the fragrance and beauty of roses in their gardens, and they should continue to do so. It is likely that they’ve had their skin pierced by thorns on numerous occasions. The best way to prevent rose-thorn disease is to wear appropriate gloves when pruning and to wash any minor punctures with an antibacterial soap.

Should a thorn embed the skin beyond that of a minor puncture, it is critical to watch carefully for any signs of infection and report them at once to a physician for testing. The best way to determine whether the infection is present is through a culture of the wound. This is often done by taking a biopsy of the area, which is then examined.

The simplest things in life carry risk. If flowers provide you pleasure, take precautions that will allow you to stop and smell those roses.

This article from the Herald is also very interesting These thorns can kill