coconut oil toothpaste healthy mouth

What are you using to clean your teeth? Have you tried making your own toothpaste or tooth powder from one of our recipes? Have you tried ‘pulling’ with coconut oil or do you use a natural toothpaste and salt gargle? Or better yet Salud’s colloidal silver based mouthwash!

We all want clean teeth, fresh breath and a healthy mouth. Try these natural solutions that you can do at home.

Natural Solutions For A Healthy Mouth

First thing in the morning, start with coconut-pulling, this is an ancient Arya Vedic method that draws out toxins while the antibacterial qualities in coconut oil help prevent tooth decay and bad breath.

Get a tablespoon of coconut oil, put it in your mouth to soften, then swish/pull in and out of your teeth for about 20 mins – although you may want to start with 10 mins and work up to 20 mins over a week or so. I’ve been doing this in combination with showering to save time. This article has some interesting info on coconut pulling

Next, floss really well and brush with a natural tooth powder or toothpaste. Cinnamon Tooth Powder is easy to make and works well, if you don’t like the sound of that try making Coconut And Cacao Toothpaste.

If you’d rather buy a natural toothpaste instead of making it, we sell Maxwell & McIntyre’s lovely range of natural toothpastes. They do not contain any nasty chemicals or fluoride (for those of you who are trying to avoid this neurotoxin). For more information click here.

Follow that up by gargling with pink Himalayan salt dissolved in filtered water. A ratio of one tablespoon dissolved in two cups of warm water works well and can be kept for further use.

Or you can gargle with Salud’s Silver Smile which is a colloidal silver based mouthwash. I love using this product and find it helps with tooth sensitivity and gives me fresh breath every time.

Turmeric is also great for a healthy mouth, it possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties, and can prevent and treat gum problems. For how to use turmeric in your dental routine click here.