I was very fortunate to see Barbara O’Neill live when she was here at the end of April. Barbara has been banned from speaking in Australia, her home country, due to some of her views and recommendations. I loved seeing her live, Barbara’s focus lies in guiding individuals towards a healthy lifestyle with simple information such as a proper diet, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, hydration, stress management, and natural treatments.

She is dedicated to empowering others to unlock the innate power of their immune systems, enabling them to take control of their well-being. Her ethos is that everyone can heal given the right circumstances for their body to do so.

Having been trained as a nurse and possessing a deep appreciation for nature, her journey into natural remedies began when her first child faced health challenges unresponsive to conventional treatments. Through extensive research and experimentation, she discovered the effectiveness of natural treatments, free from harmful side effects.

Barbara firmly believes in the body’s inherent ability to heal itself under optimal conditions. Rather than positioning herself as a healer, she sees her role as that of a facilitator, guiding individuals towards understanding and creating the conducive environment necessary for their bodies to thrive and self-heal.

Health Tips From Seeing Barbara O’Neill Live

Here’s my notes from the event …

Wild Yam Cream helps to balance hormones for both men and women naturally. Here in New Zealand the best cream is Barbara’s, and also in my opinion the one from The Herb Farm. Hopefully we will be stocking this soon on our website.

Get outside and ground – super important to have your feet on the earth – and hug a tree! Is also important to get some sunshine when the sun is shining – get out in it! Obviously don’t get burnt so early morning or later in the day depending on the time of year. Spend time at home with your shoes off whenever possible as most shoes are highly synthetic.

Celtic salt has 82 minerals, to absorb these minerals daily put a tiny piece of Celtic salt in your mouth, let it dissolve or crunch it then drink a glass of pure water. Drink at least 2 litres each day before your evening meal. So every time you have a glass of water have a speck of Celtic salt.

For optimal health drink 1L of pure water per 25kg of body weight every day.

Salt water is incredibly healing, swim in it, and drink it. If you have a natural salt (instead of Celtic) in your country use that – the closer to the source the better.

Use Celtic salt for cooking and flavouring your food. Do not use regular white salt as its highly processed and is toxic.

Water must be pure, no fluoride or other nasty chemicals. In New Zealand our tap water has been compromised. There are several water filters that can remove these impurities. I use the Bio 500 Water Filter.

Fasting is great, 8 hours to 16 hours. It’s best to eat two large meals a day and no snacking. (I am not very good at this!)

No drinking anything including water with meals half an hour before and an hour and a half after. (Am not good at this either.)

As much as possible, remove caffeine, remove alcohol, remove sugar.

Eat a predominantly plant based diet with plenty of protein (Barbara is totally plant based).

Put pure organic Castor Oil in your belly button at night.

Use a Castor Oil pack over your liver/kidneys to detox, do this as often as required.

The pores in your feet are one of the most important parts of your body – get your shoes and socks off, walk on the ground. If you have a cold or feel a flu coming on, put chopped onions into a bag tied onto your feet, the onions have to be touching your soles.

Remove all synthetic clothing – polyester, nylon, lycra (means I will have no clothes!).

Get a good nights sleep every night – “an hour before midnight is worth two after midnight”. If you exercise daily you will sleep a lot better. Also cutting out caffeine, alcohol and sugar helps with sleep.

Exercise is the most effective way to increase oxygen uptake into the body, oxygen is vital for life! Exercise helps to increase the availability of oxygen to every cell in the body and oxygen is alkalising (cancer can not live in the presence of oxygen). High Intensity Interval Training combines the intervals of high intensity and recovery. One of the best ways to do this is on a rebounder as it does not overly stress the joints.

We have an array of vegetarian recipes on our website, to find them head over to our blog. Here’s one of my favourite Dahl recipes – it’s so good over the winter months.