It’s about this time in winter when our carpets and rugs can take on a damp odour. Little particles of grass and mud being tracked into the house can get into the fibres, especially in older carpet, and even with a good vacuum the smell can be hard to remove.
To help lift out odours make this natural deodoriser and get your carpets and rugs smelling good again in no time.
DIY Natural Carpet Deodoriser
Fill a medium sized jar with Green Goddess Premium Baking Soda and drip in 20 drops of essential oil.
Go for something anti-bacterial that also smells nice, such as lemongrass, sweet orange, palmarosa or patchouli. All of these have been tested for their anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, more info on that is here.
Give the jar a good shake, seal tightly and let it sit in a dark place for about a week, shaking occasionally if you remember. Before you go to bed, sprinkle it all over the carpet and let it sit for the night.
In the morning, vacuum as usual and it will be nicely deodorised and smell great.
If there is still some baking soda residue left over, spray with a mixture of 50/50 Green Goddess Premium White Vinegar and water then rub lightly with an old towel.
About The Author: Grant_admin
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