mopping with natural floor cleaner

Many commercial floor cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both human health and the environment. This homemade floor cleaner uses natural ingredients that are non-toxic and safer for use around pets, children, and individuals with sensitivities or allergies.

It works well on all types of hard floor although it may leave the odd streak depending on your mop. The secret is to use a barely damp mop, not a soaking one. An old-fashioned rag mop which you can still buy at hardware stores is a good option.

For hard to shift grime carry around a shaker full of Green Goddess Premium Baking Soda and sprinkle on spots as you go. The baking soda will add a little grit which will help to shift the stuck on dirt. Once it’s gone re-soak your mop, squeeze and go over the spot again.

DIY Natural Floor Cleaner

To 4 litres of hot water add one teaspoon of Green Goddess Hemp & Eucalyptus Castile Soap – this works very well as eucalyptus is a great cleaner.

Then add a cup of Green Goddess Premium Double Strength White Vinegar

Next add 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil, or any other essential oils which take your fancy, to give the room a nice smell and cut the slight vinegar odour you will get initially.

Mix well and start mopping.