I get a lot of emails asking how to remove soap scum without toxic chemicals. Well, here’s one way that I’ve found works, you’ll need a bit of elbow grease and three simple ingredients that every household should have in the pantry.

You’ll need

1 Cup Wendyl’s Premium White Vinegar
1 Tbl Baking Powder
2 Tbl Dish Wash Liquid (I used Green Goddess)

First of all, it’s best to make this as you’re about to use it as it foams up and works really well when you apply it right away. You’ll need a glass jug or bowl that can hold around 3-4 cups as this recipe will almost triple in size.
It’s also a good idea to use gloves as any small cuts or nicks in your skin will hurt a little due to the vinegar.

Mix all the ingredients together and immediately apply onto the offending area, leave for 5 minutes then rub off with an old flannel or course cloth that doesn’t scratch, for trouble areas use an old toothbrush or dish brush dipped in the solution and give it a good brush. I did this after the foaming had gone down and there was still a paste like substance left in the bottom.

When done rinse with warm water and use a squeegee to remove any excess. If you get everyone to use a squeegee when they finish showering your glass will stay sparkly for a lot longer – and need a lot less cleaning.