winter root tonic

The cold season is notorious for triggering various illnesses, especially viral ones. When temperatures drop drastically, we often seek comfort in hot beverages like teas to warm us up.

This herbal tonic can be made into tea and it offers more than just warmth – made with beneficial herbs it can also provide the necessary nutrients to help the body navigate the health challenges of winter.

I love this blend of powerful herbs fermented in apple cider vinegar from The Lost Herbs. You can consume it whenever you need to energise and stimulate your body. These herbs help speed up metabolic activities, improve blood circulation, ward off pathogens, and promote overall wellness.

DIY Winter Root Tonic Recipe

¼ cup chopped garlic

½ cup chopped onions

¼ cup freshly grated ginger

¼ cup freshly grated turmeric (or 2 to 3 tsp powdered turmeric)

2 cinnamon sticks

1 medium-sized lemon or lime, sliced

1 tbsp peppercorns

2 star anise

1 tbsp. finely chopped cayenne pepper (or 1/2 tsp cayenne powder)

1 sprig of fresh rosemary

½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice

Apple cider vinegar (enough to fill the jar)

Honey, to taste (Manuka is best)

Put all ingredients except for the honey into a jar and store it in a cool and dark place for four weeks (I cut this down to two weeks), shaking the jar once daily. Make sure all ingredients are covered by the vinegar. When done strain and the remaining tonic can be stored in the fridge for six months.

After fermenting the tonic, you will need honey to sweeten it. Honey is also an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial food that completes the therapeutic effect of the winter tonic.

Take 1/2 to 2 tbsp of the root tonic every morning on its own or diluted in water. Shake the jar before using.

Since the tonic is made of vinegar, you can practically use it in different ways. Make it into a tea by adding hot water, add it to food, make it into salad dressing, turn it into a marinade or add it to sauces.

For more information and step by step photo’s click here

This recipe is from The Lost Herbs which is one of my favourite websites, they also have a fantastic book (that I have mentioned many times before) The Lost Book Of Herbal Remedies book can be ordered from New Zealand and is well worth it. For information on how to order click here.