With many of people concerned about contracting viruses, there certainly has been a surge in the demand for Colloidal Silver in the past few weeks – so much so that we temporarily sold out.
Colloidal Silver is known to kill over 650 disease-causing organisms.
Bona-fide clinical studies show that silver easily kills viruses from the coronavirus family.
In China there are reports that they are now using “silver fogger” machines to decontaminate hospitals and other medical facilities of coronavirus.
This except is from ScienceMag.org “New research shows that when exposed to a microbe-slaying silver solution, the germs can “go zombie,” wiping out their living compatriots even after death. The results may explain silver’s long-lasting antibacterial power and could improve the performance of medical products that keep us safe from harmful pathogens.” For the full article click here.
It has also been proven to help with the flesh eating disease MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) which lives on the skin of carriers, it is most often spread through people-to-people contact by touching, shaking hands, hugging or by touching surfaces that carry the disease. Take a read of this interesting article for how Colloidal Silver helps with MRSA.
Here are some ways that you can use Colloidal Silver …
Obtain a fine mist sprayer. Fine mist sprayers allow you to spray countertops, door knobs, toilet seats and handles, knobs and faucets or any other high contact surface areas where bacteria, viruses and other pathogens are concentrated. The tiny silver particles air dry to the surface, and provide many hours of protection against pathogens.
You can use a pump spray bottle to lightly “mist” the air in your home with colloidal silver.
Also, knowing that viruses and other pathogens often enter through the eyes and ears, you can use your pump spray bottle to lightly spray the outside of your ear, behind your ear, and even directly into your eyes (it won’t hurt you).
Nasal spray with Colloidal Silver. Spray up your nose and get it deeply into your sinuses, should you feel an infection coming on, or should you be exposed to a person who may be infected.
Obtain a nebuliser. Most experts are recommending that Colloidal Silver should be nebulized into the lungs for greatest effect against the virus if you’re already infected.
It also gives phenomenal protection from the secondary bacterial infections that tend to affect the respiratory system when viruses weaken the body.
Keep up your immune system. Drinking 10-15 ml of Colloidal Silver a day is a good maintenance dose to keep flus and bugs away. Eating well and getting plenty of sleep are also key.
To purchase Salud Super Silver which is a super strength Colloidal Silver click here.
About The Author: Callumfatweb
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