Remember these?
I think we all grew up with a pair of these slippers knitted by our Nana or a kind Aunty. My Sister and I had matching pairs over the years growing up in Beachlands, our dear Nana Dorothy made them for us every few years. Mine would get worn out, I loved them so much!
Unfortunately, I am not able to find my Nana’s pattern so I’m hoping that one of you lovely readers may be able to send me one that I can share on our blog and in the newsletter.
I have to confess that I’m not a knitter (but that could change one day) however, many of our subscribers are and I’m sure they would love to knit these lovely booties!
Although we are moving into Spring and hopefully some warmer days, these booties will still come in useful for those chilly evenings and are wonderful to take when you go camping.
Please e-mail me at [email protected]. In the meantime, until I receive a pattern that I can share with you, I thought I would share this video that I found. (I’ll be honest she lost me at knit one, pearl one…). We’d love to see your creations, leave a comment below and share with us.
Grandmas Simple knit slippers youtube video

About The Author: Grant_admin
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