These long, golden-brown “bread pencils” are often served standing up in a glass in Italian restaurants, sometimes with cheese and sometimes without, they are a tasty alternative to regular bread or crackers and are very easily made.

The origin of Grissini bread sticks can be traced back to the mid 1600’s where records say they were first created in Piedmont region of Italy.

According to oral tradition the young duke of the House of Savoy, Vittorio Amedeo II di Savoia suffered from intestinal disorders and this particular bread helped heal the issue.

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Grissini Bread Sticks

Mix in a basin 250g flour, 1 good tsp butter, 1 salt spoon (1/4 tsp) baking powder and a pinch of salt with boiling water. Be very careful not to make the mixture too moist.

Knead on a slab until quite smooth, roll into sticks 8 x 20cm long and about 3cm wide, sprinkle with parmesan cheese, pepper or sesame seeds (or leave plain) and bake in a slow oven (125 degrees C) on a slightly greased tray until quite hard and a golden-brown colour.

Serve standing in an ornamental glass jar, transparent if possible. These are particularly nice with a selection of dips.