ingredients for old fashioned paste for smooth hands

With the onset of winter, our skin can start to dry out and, depending on where you live, your hands can become very dry and even crack. This old fashioned recipe is from Wendyl’s book A Natural Year.

In the old days women used to take very good care of their hands, ensuring they were smooth and soft at all times. These days we tend to roughen them up in the garden, in harmful detergents and all sorts of activities that leave them rough and dry.

This is a very old recipe I found in one of my old books. It really works, but you have to use it every night for two weeks and … you have to wear gloves to bed.

If you are prepared to take the challenge you will be rewarded with hands your great-grandmother would have admired!

Old Fashioned Paste For Smooth Hands

2 tbsp almond meal (can use flour if you can’t find meal)

1 tbsp honey

1 egg yolk, beaten frothy yellow

Mix all of the ingredients together and rub onto your hands. Apply gloves – cotton or an old pair of leather ones will work well – then go to bed. Repeat every night for 2 weeks.