Image result for cinnamon and lemon simmer pot picture
This is an easy way to fill your house with a spicy, heartwarming scent, without any toxic chemicals. It also doubles as a mini steam bath, perfect for relieving dry throats and helping to thin out and loosen mucus if you’ve got a cold, inhaling warm moist air is a life saver.

If you get into the habit of saving (rather than composting) your lemon, lime and orange peels, you can use them in this fragrant recipe. They can also be used to make a natural spray cleaner, for the Super Citrus Spray Cleaner recipe click here.

DIY Fragrant Simmer Pot

Get a small saucepan and fill with water, bring it to the boil and add the ingredients listed below. Boil for five minutes to infuse then turn down to a simmer and that’s it.

Be sure to add more water as needed. You can also do this in a small crock pot.

3 Cinnamon sticks
Peel from 1 orange and 1 lemon, or slice up half of each
2 Tablespoons whole cloves
2 Bay leaves