Woman's hands with water splash

For as long as we can remember, water has been an essential element for humankind. Water has many uses, from washing away dirt to simply quenching thirst. But beyond keeping us clean and nourished, water helps maintain the health of our body’s largest organ: the skin.

In this article, we explore the role water plays in achieving clear, glowing skin and provide simple and practical daily skincare tips.

The Connection Between Skin Health and Hydration: Understanding the Importance of Water for Clear, Glowing Skin

Water offers many benefits for the skin and the rest of the body. Here are the different ways it can help you achieve clear and radiant skin:

Keep Dirt Away

Water is crucial in keeping us clean. Washing hands with antibacterial soap and water can help prevent diseases and skin irritation. And after a long day of being out and about, water can help rinse away dirt and other impurities your body may have accumulated.

Fight Dehydration

Dehydration can cause dry and dull skin. When your skin is dehydrated, it’s also more prone to other skin concerns like more pronounced fine lines, flakiness, and even eczema. To help fight dehydration and reduce the risk of serious skin concerns, you must start drinking adequate amounts of pure clean water.

Removal of Toxins

Water helps flush out waste products and toxins from the body, including those that can affect the skin. Proper hydration supports the skin’s natural detoxification process and digestion. These may not be the first two things that come to mind when considering skin health. But both are important in achieving clearer, healthier skin.

water glasses

How to Stay Hydrated: Practical Tips for Clear Skin

There’s no question that hydration is an essential part of skincare. But how exactly do we ensure that our skin is hydrated well? Here are some practical tips you can try starting today:

Drink Enough Water

Perhaps the most simple and practical way to make sure your body, including your skin, is well-hydrated is to drink enough water. You may have heard people saying that drinking eight glasses of water should be the daily goal, but it’s an outdated recommendation. Since people’s bodies and lifestyles differ, it’s natural to expect that the “adequate water intake” will also vary depending on the person. For example, if you’re physically active or sweat a lot due to the weather, you will likely need to drink more to restore lost fluids.

It’s very important to be drinking pure clean water, the Bio 500 Bench Top Water Filter removes impurities, chemicals and 99.99% of fluoride.

Hydrate from Within

Aside from drinking water, you can also hydrate by eating fruits and vegetables with high water content. At the grocery or farmer’s market, reach for produce like watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, and so on. Water-rich foods are not only refreshing and delicious, but they also contribute to your overall hydration. Additionally, fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can boost your skin health.

Moisturise Daily

As you improve your internal hydration (i.e., drinking enough water and eating water-rich foods), you must also focus on external hydration. A two-pronged approach to hydrating your skin is essential to keeping it healthy.

Moisturising twice a day can help your skin lock in moisture or prevent water loss from the skin’s surface. It’s important to know your skin type and find out whether your skin has any adverse effects on specific ingredients. Instead of choosing the trendiest product, select a moisturiser better suited to your skin. Doing so helps ensure you’re using the most effective hydrating product while avoiding possible skin irritations or allergies.

infused water bottle

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Consuming too much alcohol can lead to increased urine production and, eventually, dehydration. It’s fine to enjoy alcohol in moderation, but just like everything that’s considered “good,” too much can have adverse effects on your body.

If you want to enjoy a glass or two of your favourite alcohol, balance it out by increasing your water intake. Or, if you can help it, swap your usual end-of-day glass of wine with something more hydrating, like infused water or herbal tea.

Customise Your Skincare Routine

Changes in weather and humidity can affect your skin’s needs. You need to customise your skincare routine to keep your skin hydrated well enough. For example, if you’re living or traveling somewhere dry and cold, you may want to replace your lightweight moisturiser with a heavy cream that can lock in the moisture better. You should also consider using a humidifier to avoid dry, cracked skin.

Don’t Overdo It with Hot Water

Long, hot showers or baths may seem relaxing and effective at scrubbing away dirt. However, it can also strip away your body’s natural oils and dry out your skin. Lukewarm to moderately warm water, along with a gentle and moisturising soap, is a better choice if you want to keep your skin clean without damaging its moisture levels.


While water is no magic potion that automatically heals all our skin troubles, it does play a role in improving skin health. And if you want to achieve clear, glowing skin, don’t skip these simple skincare tips. Make sure adequate hydration, both topically and from the inside out, is included in your daily skincare routine.