As we approach the end of the year I’m sure I’m not the only one who is indeed feeling ready for some down time relaxing. But in the meantime, what can we do to ensure that we are at our most productive during the next few busy weeks ahead?

This week we are featuring a guest blog post by Frank Hamilton, from Manchester, UK. Here he tells us about the top 15 energising foods to make us more productive. Try some of these and see what a positive difference they can make in your life.

Everything that the human body consumes, one way or another, unambiguously, has the most direct effect on the state of health and is fully proportional to the overall health of the body. Your well-being is almost always what you eat.

There are safe products that can charge you with strength, energy and save your youth for a long time. According to the statistics, only 21% of adults consume the right amount of vegetables or fruits. So, if you want your body to work smoothly, then you should pay attention to the top products that will charge you with energy.


This is a natural energetic, a huge set of vitamins, plus the prevention of colds in winter and autumn. To preserve the value of raspberries, it is enough to freeze whole berries and consume them for six months.

2. Spinach

This vegetable is an excellent source of iron. And iron, in turn, actively participates in the energy metabolism of the body. To get the maximum benefit from spinach and to make it absorbed faster, you need to sprinkle it with drops of freshly squeezed lemon.

3. Legumes

They contain a useful vegetable protein that is extremely needed to maintain energy tone throughout the day. Moreover, they contain complex carbohydrates, which give saturation of the body for a long period. Legumes are the number one product for vegetarians and should be present in the diet.

4. Carrot

Many people may be surprised, but this product can relieve you of stress and give energy. It is only worth consuming it fresh, baked or steamed. It’s all about beta-carotene, which in the process of digestion turns into vitamin A. This vitamin is able to fight free radicals that damage the body’s cells.

5. Hemp Oil

No, this is not about drugs because all potentially dangerous and addictive substances are removed from hemp oil. Only pure benefits remain. The content of healthy fats in this oil is equal to the content of fats in fish, and this is a great alternative for those who do not want to eat animal products. Plus, this product normalizes the nervous system, returns the correct sleep mode, and this is a good opportunity to be productive all day.

6. Eggs

This product is 97% absorbed by the human body. The amino acids contained in eggs are able to help not only restore muscles but also energize them. If you feel tired, then one boiled egg can have a better charge than a cup of strong coffee. Moreover, you also satisfy your hunger for a long time.

7. Almond

The rich composition of this product has many benefits on the body. Protein, copper, magnesium, riboflavin and Vitamin B2 are in one small nut. Just a few grams can have an effective effect on mental activity, the neutralization of toxins and a quick feeling of satiety. Add them to breakfast and lunch and then you will be cheerful throughout the day.

8. Bananas

In addition to glucose and fructose, this yellow fruit also contains fiber. Fiber, in turn, optimally uses the energy of carbohydrates. Therefore, you should add bananas to your breakfast and then a charge of vivacity will be with you for the whole day. It’s also a good lunch snack that will refresh your brain.

9. Honey

Honey is the best alternative to sugar. Moreover, it is also a safe product, unlike sugared drinks. Only one spoon in the morning is able to awaken your body and make the brain work actively. Add a spoonful of honey for breakfast and if using in tea, make sure that the temperature is not above 42 degrees as the beneficial components will be lost.

10. Yogurt

We are talking about natural yogurt that does not contain sugar and other additives. Calcium, magnesium, B12, B2, and proteins are what you need to recharge your batteries. It is also a good product to recover from physical activity.

11. Apples

In addition to being a good snack product, it is also a good energy product. Pectins help to restore strength and improve mental activity. It is very simple to take such a product with you, so if you need a product that will energize you during the day, take apples to your office.

12. Oranges

To get a boost of energy, it is better to use this citrus not in the form of juice, but just like a fruit. So you get the right amount of vitamin C, potassium and folic acid. By the way, you can add a couple of cloves to your tea like lemon. Such a drink in the morning will help you get in good shape.

13. Ginger

Besides the fact that this product invigorates almost instantly, it is also able to help with colds. Many even add it to vegetable salads, which gives not only a piquant taste but also has a beneficial effect on the body. All this thanks to antioxidants and nutrients.

“My work requires special attention as I do the translation. But often there is a lack of strength, and coffee does not help. I decided to replace caffeine with ginger tea and now I feel myself much better and more concentrated.”– says Lilly, a translator at The WordPoint.

So if you are one of those who love tea, then be sure to supplement it with ginger. Such a drink in the morning will fulfill a role like energy and will be more effective than a couple of cups of coffee.

14. Dark Chocolate

This product is a real antidepressant that not only tastes good but also contains magnesium and iron. You should choose a product that contains at least 70% cocoa. In addition to the antidepressant effect, it also has an increase in mental activity and productivity.

15. Avocado

A rich and healthy composition will help to get a good amount of Omega 3, vitamins A and E. Thus, you will get not only saturation of the body, but also feel the energy charge. The advantage is that this product can be consumed at any time without damage to the figure.

Now, instead of a cup of coffee, you can choose one of the products on our list and get energy. Add at least one of these foods to your diet and forget about fatigue and drowsiness!

Frank Hamilton is a UK based blogger & translator. He is a professional writer for blogging, digital marketing and self-education topics. He loves travelling and speaks Spanish, French, German.