bunch of tomatoes being held

It’s time to get planting your summer veggies and herbs now!

Awapuni Nurseries reminds us of what we should be doing in our gardens this spring.

We need to start thinking about our summer vegetables and herbs that need to be planted now. It’s also a great time for fertilising the soil and to be mindful of slugs and snails.

From Awapuni …

Plant whatever takes your fancy! If you’re a beginner gardener there’s never been a better month than in October to give it a go! 

Plant beans , peas , lettuce , zucchini , basil and tomatoes . New crops you’ll see at my house this summer are Parisian market carrots  (small round baby carrots), kamo kamo (similar to a short fat zucchini), red spring onions and sugar snap peas.

Also add some colour to your garden with flowers. Again, selections are endless at this time of the year. For beginners I suggest looking at alyssum , lobelia and some poppies . Once they’re planted, water regularly and add mulch in dry areas.

It’s also a good time fertilise your lawns as well as garden beds. Sprinkle a good general fertiliser on your garden and lawns in areas that you really want to thrive. Fertiliser on your lawn works best if its dissolved, so make sure it’s about to rain when you put it on. If you’re wanting to increase growth, add blood and bone mix. Adding iron sulphate will help sort out the mossy areas of your lawn. And a broad leaf weed killer will destroy any weeds. Once the gaps from the old weeds are showing its time to sow some new grass seed. This will take a couple of weeks. 

And remember with all your planting others will also have their eyes on your prize. Watch out for slugs, snails, butterflies and birds. Use a bird netting over your vege garden to protect your crops. Often the wait and see approach can be too late!