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As the world struggles with its addiction to soft drinks it seems water is becoming the go to drink for food manufacturers. Whole Foods, the very expensive but very healthy supermarket chain in the US recently release asparagus water which is basically a bottle of water with three asparagus spears in it. Recent innovations include black water, collagen water, tree water and even fat water! You can read about these weird trends here. 
It is true that we should all choose water over the many highly coloured, highly flavoured and heavily sugared soft drinks on offer but let’s not get carried away.
I think that, like much else I do in my life, it comes down to looking at what Nana did before the American servicemen introduced her and her friends to Coke during World War II.
In my home I make sure that there is a massive filtered water container in my fridge at all times. Filtered water just tastes better than tap water, which has a very distinct chlorine taste where I live in the city. Up north I don’t bother as we have rain water on top.
I also have a Sodastream machine at both houses and make sparkling water which I keep in the fridge.
I know this works well because I’m refilling both water supplies most days as my family drinks up both kinds.
And in the summer I also make sun tea out of herbal teabags, which goes down well with adults and children when poured fresh from a jug in the fridge.
And I sometimes make a very old recipe called lemon water, which is not unlike the flavoured waters you can buy at the dairy.
And encourage everyone in your house to dilute fruit juice half and half with water to reduce the amount of sugar they are consuming. They won’t notice the difference after a while.
See below for my recipes.