We received this from one of our customers who’s very impressed with our cleaning paste.
“I thought you might like to know that the peppermint cleaning paste removed decades-old soot stains from brickwork around an old open fireplace!
It was so simple too.
I smeared the paste over the soot marks and left it to dry for an hour or so then gave it a good scrub with an old toothbrush and then using plain water in a squirty bottle I used a scrubbed gently to remove the stains.
Thanks team!”
Other ways you can use the paste are :
To clean jewellery, gunk off pots, marks on walls, mould on walls, use on tiles, grout, sinks, baths, splash backs, anywhere you need a little extra oomph to get the grime off.

Top photo by Jacqueline Day
About The Author: Triona
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