Did you know that saving seeds from tomatoes you have grown in your garden means that the tomatoes you then grow from that seed will already have the genetic imprint required to do well in your soil? Chances are you will have even healthier tomatoes.

Saving seeds can be a little addictive, and there are many different ways to save them – this humorous excerpt from A Home Companion discusses how to successfully save tomato seeds.

We really are lucky here in NZ, there are a plethora of fantastic varieties to choose from. I’ve personally had great success with Money Maker and Sweet One Hundred tomatoes and this year I’m going to try Black Krim as I’ve heard they grow easily and are prolific.

If you’d like to find out more about the different types of tomatoes available and which go best in what dishes click here.

How to save tomato seeds by Wendyl Nissen ….

This is a slightly complicated process because you have to scoop out the tomato pulp with the seeds in it, put it in a jar with some water and wait for mould to grow.

At this stage someone in my house usually throws it out because it stinks and they naturally think it’s rotten. The mould is actually rotting away the protective coating of the tomato seeds which can prevent them from sprouting.

So let it rot, then rinse it all off, and you should have some not too shabby seeds that you then dry out for a few days on some paper towels. This is when someone else in my family usually throws them out, not noticing the tiny seeds on what they think is a dirty kitchen towel.

Sometimes it takes me about three goes before I get my precious seed. But it’s worth it, because you know that in October, when I plant them into their little seed-raising pots, they will grow tomatoes which will grow good and strong in my soil with my garden’s unique conditions.

This is just one of the marvels of nature and on the few occasions when I have supplemented my tomato plants with some from the garden centre, it’s the new ones that suffer from diseases like blight.