I highly recommend watching Dr Guy Hatchard’s video (now on our blog) about the Therapeutics Product Bill to understand the implications on natural health products, supplements, foods, spices and herbs currently available in New Zealand should this bill pass.
The time for making a submission has been extended to 5th March 2023.
If passed it will mean that some of the smaller natural health products and producers may cease to exist as all producers of natural health products would need to be compliant under the Act. It also means that we lose the freedom to maintain our own health however we choose to as ingredients and products will be controlled by a regulator.
To view the list of products go to Medsafe with this link and download the Excel spreadsheet.
Click here to object to the bill
With a large majority of New Zealanders using natural products the structure of this bill is very concerning as a regulator will be empowered to make decisions and to control availability of natural products, without specifying how much power this person will have and within what constraints they should operate.
Now is the time to have your own say if you wish to. Food is life! Having access to natural foods that are readily available here is vitally important. Please help to stop this bill.
The 2016 Natural Products Bill planned pre 2008 was eventually abandoned after careful consideration of its impact. As was the case then, we don’t see any evidence that the public is being disadvantaged under current regulations nor is there any evidence they are being harmed by natural products.
Here in New Zealand, the government has re-introduced the “Therapeutic Products Bill” which will control how products which appear to benefit health are manufactured, prescribed, imported, advertised, supplied and exported. According to Health Minister Andrew Little: “It will enable New Zealand to take advantage of advances in medicine, such as cell and tissue therapies, emerging gene therapies, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning software. Risk-proportionate approval systems will improve access to necessary and life-saving medicines, such as vaccines in a pandemic.” (Dr Guy Hatchard)
You can read the lengthy legislation here:
More information can be found here:
You can make your objection along these lines from Dr Guy Hatchard in your own words:
More than 50% of the NZ public uses Natural Products. The structure of the proposed Bill is very concerning. It establishes a regulator who will be empowered to make decisions and control availability. It does not adequately specify what factors should influence his decisions. In other words, it is an enabling bill favoured by repressive regimes.
The 2016 Natural Products Bill planned pre-2008 was eventually abandoned after careful consideration of its impact. As was the case then, I don’t see any evidence that the public is being disadvantaged under current regulations, nor is there any evidence Natural Products are harming them. This is another area where the government does not need to tighten regulations.
The Bill will place additional financial burdens on manufacturers and end users and introduce uncertainty about products that have been sold and relied upon by millions of NZers. I think it is an underhand move to structure the Bill as regulation without specifying content. This is designed to disperse and deflect public interest, especially as the public consultation period spans the summer break.
The very long list of common herbals planned to be banned under the 2016 bill drawn up by Medsafe with the help of ICMRA is still in existence. Some of these are even used regularly and traditionally in cooking. Under the Bill, there is nothing to stop the new regulator from simply adopting this list as soon as appointed. This list would disrupt the availability of traditional remedies.
It is of note that Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda would be particularly affected. Something of concern to a large segment of our population and the Indian government.
To make a submission go here:
Watch Guy Hatchards informative video below

About The Author: Katie Brooks
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