Young woman enjoying the fresh air.

It’s hard to argue that getting outdoors helps us to feel refreshed and can bring a sense of calmness and increased productivity to our day. Although it helps this isn’t all about taking time out or getting exercise, just getting fresh air can improve our well-being in many ways and is essential for maintaining good health.

This informative article explains the surprising and significant health benefits of spending time outside and getting regular doses of fresh air.

Key Benefits of Getting Fresh Air:

Enhance Digestive System of Our Body

Fresh air is enhanced with a suitable amount of oxygen, which helps the digestive system of our body to digest food more effectively. The oxygen provided in our body through the respiratory system is absorbed by digestive cells and helps our digestive tract functions to work more effectively and gather necessary nutrients. Therefore, it is important to breathe fresh air if you’re trying to lose weight.

Fresh Air Helps to Heal Faster and Feel Better

Our body cells need oxygen to perform cellular respiration. When we suffer from any disease or injury, our body cells work hard to recover. Fresh air can provide a suitable amount of oxygen to our body cells and hence, they perform more effectively resulting in faster healing. Recently, oxygen therapy is being used on athletes to recover from various injuries faster.

Besides, breathing fresh air can help you feel better and focused as well. Fresh air increases the serotonin production of our body to make us feel better and less worried.

Fresh Air Helps to Maintain Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Without a proper supply of oxygen, our heart has to struggle to perform its functions effectively. Then it works hard to supply the available oxygen to the parts of our body that needs the oxygen most. Therefore, the heart rate and blood pressure increase. As fresh air is enhanced with oxygen, it helps the functions of our heart to work more effectively and soothingly.

Fresh Air Strengthens Our Immune System

White blood cells are the main component of our immune system and need a suitable amount of oxygen to defend the body from various harmful microbes.

Therefore, getting fresh air can help our immune system to operate more significantly resulting in less chance of suffering from various diseases. 

Fresh Air Helps to Clean Our Lungs

Fresh air can provide a higher level of oxygen to our body resulting in helping the blood vessels of our lungs to dilate. The dilation helps in the cleansing and repairing of tissues within the lungs to exchange gases more effectively. 

Fresh Air Can Boost Our Energy Levels and Mental Focus

The oxygen level of our blood increases when we are getting fresh air. The blood supplies this oxygen to our brain and as a result it stimulates our alertness and helps us to concentrate more effectively.

Surprising Health Benefits of Getting Fresh Air are proven by a study at North Umbria University’s Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit. The study shows that people getting fresh air can perform 20% better on a memory test than others. And we can have fresh air by using an air purifier in our home and office.


Taking in fresh air is crucial for us and we should take it into account. It can help to improve our well-being in various ways, from making us feel happier and more relaxed, to having a measurable effect on our circulatory systems, recovery time, and overall health.

Therefore, we should start spending more time outside to take in more fresh air to lead a healthy and happy life.