Early bird tickets are still available! Grant and I are taking Saturday off for this event and some much-needed self-care. We’re attending this health and happiness centred workshop on the 7th and 8th of September at Kawai Purapura, Albany and we’d love to see you there.
Our good friend, Buddhist Monk Venerable Gyalten Sengye and anti-aging legend/terminal cancer survivor Dr Patterson Stark will take us through mindfulness and meditation techniques and leading nutrition, lifestyle, and health sciences for optional well-being and happiness.
With all of the stress we are under in today’s world, these are very important topics, especially when we consider that most degenerative diseases can be prevented with the right lifestyle practices. The weekend also includes the latest research from Harvard Medical School.
The Four Noble Truths of Health & Wellness – With Dr. Patterson Stark & Buddhist Monk Venerable Gyalten Sengye
In this two day, ground breaking workshop, you will learn evidence based mindfulness and meditation techniques then combine exercise, nutrition and the latest lifestyle sciences (formulas) to help you on the path to transforming your health, happiness and well-being.
The weekend will involve guided meditations, and mindfulness training combined with leading lifestyle medicine and nutritional advice and methods. There will be workgroups, discussions and teachings to support the evidence based practices on offer.
When understanding cause and effect, and how this effects not just some, but all areas of our lives we can start to bring about good habits and change management that not only reverse dis-ease, but replaces it with optimum health, wellness and abundance. You will also gain an understanding around how mental and emotional imbalances can occur.
These imbalances, or conflicts, are often coming from social and environmental conditioning, or learned beliefs and behaviours. These in turn become ingrained patterns in the subconscious. This then creates bad habits & cravings, both mentally and physically. This leads to poor lifestyle choices both internally and externally. This inevitably leads to unhappiness and sickness. Once you learn how to become your own practitioner you can take charge of your mental health, physical health and destiny as a whole. Happiness and Wellbeing can be choice!
Come and join us for this fun, interactive and fascinating weekend of self discovery and empowerment.
This weekend is open to all regardless of background, beliefs, and we welcome all ages.
Note: This is a non residential course. Meals are NOT included, however there are plenty of great food outlets nearby.
The course is being held in the Yoga Shala at Kawai Purapura retreat center, 14 Mills Lane, Albany.
Session times are 10:00am to 4:30pm – Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September
Free intro talk on Friday 6th September: 7:30pm to 9:00pm
For further information, or questions please feel free to call Ven Sengye (Zac): [email protected]
About The Author: Triona
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