Swedish Seed cracker

This is one of our favourite recipes, these traditional Swedish crackers, otherwise known as Knäckebrot crackers, are mostly made of seeds which makes them very nutritious and super tasty too, they’re especially delicious topped with a little Marmite, avocado and tomato.

They take very little time to make and are dried in the oven so stay crisp for weeks stored in an air tight container.

Swedish Seed Crackers

220g wholemeal flour (I used stoneground)
220g rolled oats (wholegrain if you can get them)
2 tsp salt
150g sunflower seeds
75g sesame seeds
75g linseeds (flaxseed)
40g pumpkin seeds
700ml warm water
1 tbsp olive oil

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl and add the water and oil. Oil a very large oven tray or two smaller ones and pour the mixture onto the trays. It should be the consistency of porridge. Spread it as thin as possible and then put in a 130 degree C oven for 15 minutes.

Take it out and cut into biscuits, either conventional cracker size or the larger rectangles. Put back in the oven and bake for one hour until they are golden and crisp. You may need to cook longer as the instructions say one to two hours but mine only took an hour.