leaderbrand spinach lasanga

I love a veggie packed lasagna and this one from LeaderBrand sounds extra good with the delicious pairing of spinach and ricotta layered between a combination of other yummy vegetables, herbs and pasta.

This recipe makes enough to feed six people, serve alongside a fresh green salad and if you wish swap out the lasagna sheets for an easy gluten-free option.

Spinach and Ricotta Veggie Lasagna

Prep Time: 30mins | Cook Time: 40mins | Servings: 6 people


For the vegetable filling:  

180g carrot diced (approx 2 large carrots) 

180g celery diced (approx 2 celery sticks)  

300g mushrooms  

4 cloves garlic  

1 onion  

1 tsp Italian herbs  

2 x tins 400g crushed tomatoes

For the spinach and ricotta filling:

2 x 120g bags LeaderBrand Baby Spinach 

15g butter 

500g ricotta cheese 

1 egg 

Pinch of nutmeg  

50g Parmesan cheese

¼ cup fresh basil leaves chopped  

Salt & pepper 

12 no cook lasagna sheets  

100g mozzarella cheese 

100g tasty cheese


To make the vegetable filling:

Slice the mushrooms, dice the onions, garlic, and celery, and mince the garlic.

Heat a large pot with oil add the mushrooms and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add the carrots, celery, onions, and garlic into the pot. Cook for 4 -5 minutes stirring often Add the Italian herbs and tins of tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Cook the mixture for a further 5-7 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.

To make the spinach and ricotta filling:

Melt the butter in a large frying Pan add the LeaderBrand Spinach, stir and cover with a lid for 1 minute to wilt the spinach.

Remove from the heat. When the spinach has cooled chop the spinach.

In a large bowl add the chopped spinach, ricotta cheese, chopped basil leaves, nut meg, parmesan cheese and egg. Mix to combine. Season with salt and pepper.

To build the lasagna.

In a bowl mix the mozzarella cheese and tasty cheese – Set aside.

In a 40 x 25cm oven proof rectangle dish place 3 lasagne sheets onto the bottom of the dish. This will prevent the filling from falling out when you are serving. Spoon ⅓ of the tomato vegetable mixture into the bottom of the casserole dish. Add ⅓ of the ricotta and spinach mixture on top and spread out evenly. Sprinkle over ⅓ of the cheese mixture. Place 3 more lasagna sheets on top and add the veggie tomato sauce & ricotta and spinach mixture on top. Repeat this step one more time to create 3 layers finishing with the ricotta and spinach on top & top with the remaining cheese on top.

Place in the oven to bake at 180°C for 40 minutes until golden and bubbling.

Remove from the oven and set aside for 10 minutes before serving.

Serve with extra Parmesan cheese if you wish and a crispy LeaderBrand Rocket salad.

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