One of the things I love about driving up north in the early summer is the abundance of a really bright, almost fluorescent pink rambling rose which grows on the side of the roads. I often stop and grab an armful for my house but a month ago I went back to a certain spot I had noticed last year where the roses are particularly beautiful and took four cuttings. I plonked them in some potting mix, put them outside, and now they are all growing beautifully. So before it gets too dry and hot, I’m going to plant them up by our gate so that our piece of roadside has beautiful roses too. I’m thinking because they’re local they’ll flourish in the conditions.
It’s not too late to grab a rose cutting or two. I always get four just in case a few don’t make it. Here’s a guide to taking a rose cutting in case a rose in your neighbourhood has caught your eye! I particularly like the putting it in a potato idea!