rust on bra strap

Car and outdoor furniture rust can be annoying, but when that stain seeps into clothes or furniture, it becomes an even bigger headache. Clothing with unsightly rust marks may seem to be doomed, but don’t give up hope.

In my experience removing rust stains from fabrics with usual stain treatments is not very effective, so here’s how to do it naturally using our premium full strength white vinegar, a lemon and sunshine.

How To Remove Rust Stains From Fabric

Lay the clothing or fabric out on an old towel and pour a small amount of white vinegar directly on the stain, then cut a lemon in half and rub onto the stain. If you have rust on a clasp as in the photo use a toothbrush to brush the rust off.

Make sure the stain and clasp is thoroughly saturated, leave for 10 minutes and then blot it with a clean light coloured towel.

Place your garment outside in the sunshine during the hottest part of the day. After a while the stain should start to fade. You may need to repeat this process until it is gone. Once you are happy with the result launder as usual.