plantain poultice

Plantain is an excellent herb for reducing inflammation and soothing stings, it heals by drawing toxins and infections from the body as it soothes the skin. It can also help to heal cuts or minor wounds.

This common green plant is often considered a weed, but it’s incredibly useful making it one weed you’ll want to keep around the garden. In New Zealand we have two types of plantain, you can use either for this simple poultice.

plantain growing

Plantain with longer skinny leaves

Plantain near stone curb


Pick a few clean plantain leaves, enough to cover the sting or bite. Give them a rinse then cut up and mash using a mortar and pestle until you have a chunky paste.

If you are out and about and are in need of an emergency poultice you can chew the leaves up and then apply them. Plantain is edible so you won’t be harmed by chewing the leaves, they taste a little grassy.

Place poultice on the affected area and cover with a bandage, leave on the skin until the pain/itch has gone. You can reapply every few hours if the bite or sting is quite bad. I only had to use it once for my sting and the pain was gone within ten minutes.

plantain poultice crushed

plantain poultice on foot