Did you know that cats are not very fond of orange essential oil? If you own a cat and want to deter it from certain areas then grab a bottle of orange essential oil and Dr Bronners Citrus Orange Liquid Castile Soap.
Not only does orange essential oil smell amazing, but a little sprinkled in the places you don’t want cats to go – such as around your newly planted seedlings or somewhere they insist on going to the toilet – will prevent them from doing so. They really dislike the scent and it’s not harmful to them.
If you’ve already got a spot your cat likes to ‘go’ inside, give the area a good clean with Dr Bronners Orange Scented Castile soap diluted in water, this will help to remove the smell and work as a preventative too.
For more information on which essential oils are toxic to cats, follow this link.
About The Author: Grant_admin
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