This weeks guest blogger is Jenny Mc Gee who’s is sharing her article on the health benefits of olive oil.

“Olive oil originated in the Mediterranean and forms the basis of the famous Mediterranean diet. People from countries such as Spain, Italy and France rely heavily on olive oil in their diets. They use it in breads, pastas, meats, salads – making it a key part of the daily diet. Scientists believe that the numerous health benefits of olive oil play a role in why Mediterranean residents are healthier than other nationalities.

Here in New Zealand we consume about one litre of olive oil per person on average a year with only around 10% of that grown here. We usually produce around 184 tonnes of olive oil per year most of it extra virgin, however 2018 is set to be a record year which is great news for olive oil lovers”

Components of Olive Oil 

Olive oil is made up of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs).  Around 73 percent of the oil is composed of MUFAs referred to as oleic acid.  Oleic acid, found in olive oil, is the most abundant naturally-occurring fatty acid.

As the name implies, olive oil is obtained from olives, which are pressed to produce oil.  The purest variety of olive oil is known as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), which provides a range of therapeutic benefits.

Olive Oil Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Monounsaturated fats promote the health of the cardiovascular system.  These kind of fats can reduce cardiovascular diseases (CVD) risk factors. MUFAs prevent CVD by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and increasing HDL-cholesterol.  The fats improve triglycerides levels also, whilst lowering the chances of blood clots, and controlling glucose in the blood.

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in New Zealand found that oleic acid contains anti-inflammatory properties. It is known for stimulating a molecule that can inhibit cancer-causing proteins from growing.

Aside from its health benefits, olive oil is utilized in New Zealand in making household products.  It is an ingredient for cosmetics, soaps, moisturizer, perfumes, medicines, and even fuels for lamps.  Olive oil is dubbed as the “healthiest ingredient.”

Other Olive Oil Benefits to the Body 

Aside from lowering the risks of heart ailments, stroke, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia, olive oil can help in minimizing swelling. It also induces weight loss by promoting carbohydrate metabolism. It reduces dysfunction in the inner linings of the blood vessel or endothelial, and prevents thrombosis. Consequently, those who consume olive oil have a higher life expectancy compared to those who don’t. 

Olive oil provides the body numerous health benefits. For people with heart problems, sustained use of olive oil can reduce CVD risk factors. Regular consumption of olive oil is highly recommended by health experts.

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