Head lice on hair - nits

We are coming into winter and while the cold does tend to slow down the spread of lice (nits won’t hatch if they get below room temperature), they do survive from the heat generated by human heads. If your child already has eggs they can still hatch and spread over the cooler months.

This two ingredient recipe works in conjunction with using a head lice comb. It helps to remove the nits and also prevents them from attaching to the hair.

Head lice are tiny parasitic insects that feed on human blood (lovely), they can also live on pillows and sheets, particularly when the temperature rises. Lice come in three forms: nits (eggs), nymphs (baby lice), and adults.

To stop transmission avoid hair-to-hair contact and don’t share clothing such as hats, coats, hair ties, scarves and sports uniforms, and obviously don’t share hair brushes and combs.

Neem Natural Nit Oil

2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp neem oil

Mix together in a dish and pour over the scalp, massaging in as you go. Cover the head with plastic wrap or a shower cap and leave for an hour. Wash out with shampoo – do not use conditioner as this makes the hair slippery and harder to catch nits when you comb. While hair is wet comb with a nit comb. Comb every night and repeat neem oil treatment 7 days later.

You can also try this recipe – it’s a bit complicated and has extra oils and herbs which could be worth a try.

James Wong’s Nit Oil Recipe
Click here for recipe.