Chickens illness

Do you have chickens and are wondering how to treat them naturally should they become unwell? Of course the best way to treat an illness is to catch it early, keep an eye out for any unusual behaviour, sick birds don’t usually feel like socialising and will sit in a corner or area away from other birds, if on their own in a chicken run they’ll often sit on the floor instead of a perch.

Take note if they seem bored, listless or tired and not their perky bright self or have stopped eating and drinking as much as usual. Puffed up feathers is also an indication that something is not right. Chickens can also have a pale comb or wattle and reduced egg production.

Water is vitally important for the health of birds, it helps to regulate body temperature, digest food and eliminate waste.  If not sufficiently hydrated it will be much harder to fight off any illness. Getting your sick bird to drink is very important, use a dropper if need be or a little water on a spoon.

If your chicken or bird is part of a flock remove them to a quiet safe place away from the other birds to prevent bullying.

Treating your feathered friend early with Colloidal Silver will help to stop an infection getting worse and reverse symptoms. Colloidal Silver is a broad-spectrum, disinfecting antibiotic which can help significantly reduce the length and severity of most types of infectious diseases weather it be viral, fungal or bacterial. It can be used internally and externally, is non-toxic and almost tasteless.

To purchase Super Silver Colloidal Silver click here.

Colloidal Silver Treatment for Chickens and Aviary Birds

Standard Dosage Super Silver Colloidal Silver. Introduced orally by dropper. Small Birds approx. 110 grams bodyweight, 1 drop 3 times daily for 7 days. Dosages may be adjusted up or down as the situation requires.

Eye and Ear Infections: All animals including Birds.

1 – 4 drops depending on size. Should clear up in 24 hours.


One drop in the eye for 2 days.

Sinus Infections:

Use a syringe to inject colloidal silver through the nostril openings into the sinus. Dosage 1 drop for finches until infection clears.

Cuts, scrapes, cracks:

Clean the area thoroughly with the solution. Re-apply daily until the wound completely heals.

Egg Infection (Incubator):

Clean the egg thoroughly with warm colloidal silver and wipe dry. Moisten a ball of cotton wool and place the egg on top to allow the liquid to soak through the shell into the embryo. Continue to moisten the cotton ball inside the incubator as required to keep it damp during incubation. Adjust humidity accordingly.

Enlarged liver (Canary):

One drop orally once a day until liver returns to normal.

New Birds (Quarantine):

For smaller birds (Finches & Budgerigars etc) 1 drop orally per day for 7days. The solution can be mixed with the drinking water at a ratio of 1ml to 100mls, all sizes of bird.

E.coil Infection:

This bacteria can multiply quite quickly (often in 24 hrs) in drinking water which has become contaminated by food dropping from the birds beaks as they drink. This water and food can quickly become a clouded soup of bacterial growth. By using colloidal silver in the drinking water, the drinker stays clear even after 48 hrs. Recommended concentration is 1 Teaspoon full of colloidal silver to 1 gallon of water and pro rata (2ml to 1.5 litres).

General Healthcare and Maintenance

Water Sanitiser

Add 5ml of Colloidal Silver to 500ml of drinking water or add to soft food etc, every other week (every day for 1 week, then 1 week off). Perfect to keep the drinking water clean and free from bacteria. Ideal if you are unable to change the water every day. Keeps water clean even after 48h.

Key Features: Can be consumed by birds internally via the drinking water or used externally onto sores or injuries.

Active ingredients: Colloidal silver approx 10ppm.

Shelf life once opened: at least 12 months stored away from the light and heat. Do not refrigerate.

To purchase Super Silver Colloidal Silver click here.

For information on how to use Colloidal Silver with other pets click here.