We’d like you to meet the team, who not only work in-store but behind the scenes making and distributing all our wonderful, natural products.
Back left is Portia, Grant’s Daughter. Pop in to meet her in store on Saturdays where she runs the shop & refill hub, helps package product & can help you find what you are looking for.
Back right is my Son Lucas and he works in production. If you pop your head around the corner of the store you’ll see him working away most Saturdays.
Front left is Sabrina & you’ll meet her in store on Tuesday and Wednesday. She helps to run the shop and refill hub, admin and does a great job of putting the newsletter together every week.
Front right is Grant, my truly awesome other half. Grant looks after just about everything to do with the back end of the business. He makes product, runs the shop when need be and packs and sends all your products out at lightening speed!
Front middle is me, Triona. I write and compile the newsletter and blogs each week, handle social media, create DIY recipes, food recipes and source gardening tips. You’ll usually find me in store Tuesday to Friday – unless I’m out and about promoting our products.
We would all like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hope you like the video we made 🙂
About The Author: Triona
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