Fireside Booties

Maryanne, one of our wonderful readers, sent me this knitting pattern several years ago. My lovely Nana used to knit cute booties exactly like these and I still have a couple of well worn pairs, the ones pictured are my Mums that she wears when it get’s chilly.

Creating your own handmade items is so rewarding, and knitting is known to be beneficial for reducing stress so it is a great thing to do in the evenings, particularly if you need to wind down from a busy day.

From Maryanne …

I just happened to find my pattern for FIRESIDE SLIPPERS last week in a big clean out and thought I should make these again just for fun. I was making them as an 8 or 9 year old so around the early 1960’s. 

Here is exactly what was written down:

4 balls Roslyn Kwiknit Wool or 4oz. Bulkie (Bet these aren’t around anymore)

1 pair No.7 English knitting needles or 4.5mm

Cast on 29 stitches

1st row: Knit

2nd row: Knit 9, purl 1, knit 9, purl 1, knit 9.

Continue on these 2 rows for 48 rows, then 14 rows of Knit 1, purl 1.

Break off wool, leave one end longer and on it thread off the stitches. Sew up toe as far as the 4 ridges of garter stitch and sew up heal.

Crochet around the top.

pink bootie knitted

I had a lovely email from Carrall who has made these booties, this is what she had to say re the wool and needle size …

I got out my recent op shop purchase of knitting needles and made one bootie from your supplied pattern. I did some research. The wool seems to equate to today’s 12 ply. I made the mistake of buying 4 balls, forgetting that today’s balls are usually 50grans, whereas back in the day, they were an ounce, so got too much. I knitted on 7mm needles and came out about right. I’m a loose knitter. Just need to get a crochet hook now to finish off top to draw it in. Looking forward to making the other one and keeping toes cosy.  Thank you, Carrall.