This article is from Gillian Parkinson who is a qualified Clinical Aromascience Practitioner, and the creator of Le’Esscience Dispensary. Gillian has a passion for essential oils and has been using them for over 20 years. The beautifully scented Remedy Rollers we sell are Gilliam’s and I highly recommend them to help with a range of aliments.
Essential oils are NOT a safe food additive. There is zero benefit to using them this way; they do not contain vitamins or minerals. What is wrong with simply using beautiful fresh & dried herbs, spices & zests – not only is it the safe option, you will save a huge amount of money. Sustainability is also not being considered either.
With the abundance of recipes being shared that contain essential oils which have not been through the deterpenation process, such as those used in the food and beverage industry, it’s at the point now that if you are going to a BBQ, Christmas function, child’s birthday party, or social event where and eating food that you have not prepared it pays to be aware.
Especially if you know …
The person supplying the food uses essentials oils
You spy the little brown bottles in their home
The person supplying the food sells essential oils – it’s red flag time!
I can almost guarantee that what is NOT being considered is the essential oils used and the contraindications that go with them. But let’s not forget, essential oils should only ever be used internally under the guidance of an essential oil practitioner trained and qualified in aromatic medicine. When this is the case it’s for a purpose: to assist with a non-life threatening health condition. Essential oils should not be ingested for any other reason! FACT!
So what are we seeing that is setting off alarm bells? Well almost everything you can think of that can be eaten!
I’ll get a list going….
Baking and bars of almost every description (cooked and raw); this can be either or both in the icings and the baking, so sometimes a double whammy
Soups, marinades, dressings for salads and vegetables, savoury & sweet sauces
Drinks, adding to water, tea, smoothies and the like
Confectionery such as gummies & chocolate (targeted at all age ranges)
Dips; adding to hummus is a popular one right now
Ice Blocks and Ice Cream (particularly targeted at children)
and more… I think you get the gist
So why is this not safe do you ask?
Let me remind you, essential oils are a medicine, a complementary health product. Essential oils are a highly concentrated chemical, natural yes, but still a chemical – natural means natural, natural does not necessarily mean safe.
Did you know, if you are on regular medication, consuming essential oils can dilute your medication, slow down or speed up the effects of the medication? FACT!

It is enormously concerning that the people who are promoting these recipes are so cavalier about it. Apart from the fact that essential oils should NOT be consumed in this way, what is not taken into account at any time is the people who are actually consuming these essential-oil-containing foods.
You are even at more risk if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on medication or have any health condition contraindicated to certain essential oils. The recipe promoters are not taking into account that some of the essential oils they are using are mucous membrane irritants and can potentially damage the gut lining and, longer term, damage internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and unexplained skin reactions. Even the essential oils that are not mucous membrane irritants have the same damage potential.
These are the adverse reactions we do know about, I’m sure there will be adverse reactions we have not yet discovered due to this trend of high risk and potentially dangerous internal use, being fairly new to the essential oil world. It’s not that long ago scientists discovered how important the neurotransmitters in the gut are and how they link to the neurotransmitters in the brain – how do we know these gut neurotransmitters aren’t being damaged by the unsafe methods of internal use?
Then let’s think about babies, toddlers and children; this is an absolute NO. DO NOT let children, of any age, consume essential oils. Their systems are less mature and are a lot more vulnerable to adverse reactions
Imagine you were 4 weeks pregnant and didn’t know and you went to a function where everything you ate and drank contained essential oils. Or say you were on blooding thinning medication and didn’t know you were eating a substance that changed how your medication metabolised.

These are very real scenarios. Recently I saw an unqualified reseller promoting twenty-seven BBQ recipes containing essential oils for the BBQ season! Simply reckless.
Another factor not taken into consideration is the possibility that the person, eating that yummy raw slice containing essential oils, may also be overusing them at home. This is a recipe for disaster – overuse – making you even more vulnerable to adverse reactions. What if you take chocolates as a gift to someone who has just had major surgery, and the chocolates contained cinnamon, for example? Cinnamon is high in the chemical eugenol, which may interact with anticoagulant medication, and is contraindicated to anyone who has had recent surgery, on SSRI medication, someone with a peptic ulcer and/or other bleeding disorders – I think you get the picture…
So – JUST ASK! Ask your host of the party / BBQ you are attending; ask at the children’s birthday party (this is a harrowing scenario); ask the person selling baking, confectionery and other consumable items at that pretty country market stall, ESPECIALLY if they are also selling essential oils; DON’T drink that sample of water with essential oils in it. You really HAVE TO ASK, especially if your children are going to be eating these foods, too.
This reckless trend is creating adverse reactions and possibly a lifetime of sensitisation, and it can happen at any age, from babies to adults. And if you don’t know what that might be like, I highly recommend you read this insightful 84-page book:

The Unspoken Truth About Essential Oils by Stacey Haluka & Kayla Fioravanti
Further reading:
Wendyls Green Goddess has permission to share this article © Copyright Le’Esscience Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Company Registered in New Zealand
If you would like to get in touch with Gillian, she has a practice in Roxburgh, Central Otago where she sees clients on a consultation basis, prepares essential oil blends and gives aromatherapy Swedish style relaxation massage.
She also a provides online consultation via her Facebook page & Twitter (Le’Esscience follows a strict code of ethics when it comes to confidentiality and professionalism).
About The Author: Triona
More posts by Triona