This is my favourite tea, especially in winter when lemons and oranges are prolific and theres more chance of catching a cold. I drink this first thing in the morning to kick start my metabolism and digestive system and give my immune system a boost.

Lemons are known to stimulate the liver’s natural enzymes and the secretion of gastric juices, plus they are packed with antioxidants and electrolytes so will help neutralise the body’s pH by making it more alkaline. If you have spare lemons try making these divine Lemon Bliss Balls.

Ginger also has a variety of vitamins and minerals and is great at settling the stomach as it’s anti-inflammatory and reduces nausea.

Cayenne pepper also aids in digestion while regulating blood sugar and increasing the temperature of your body which stimulates the metabolism.

Oranges promote heart health due to the powerful nutrient combination of cholesterol fighting fiber pectin, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C and choline.

Raw Manuka Honey is one of the most healing substances on earth, the list is almost endless as to its health benefits. Recent studies have found that it can even kill MRSA and other super-bug bacteria. Try making this delicious recipe Honey Balsamic Roast Vegetables.

You can use grapefruit instead of oranges if you have them on hand and like the taste.

Immunity Boosting Tea (best taken in the morning before food)

1/2 Lemon squeezed
1/2 Orange squeezed
1/2 tsp Ginger grated or chopped
Dash of Cayenne Pepper, more if you like it extra hot
Enough filtered boiling water for one mug
1 tsp Raw Manuka Honey

Combine everything and stir, leave for a minute or two for the ginger to infuse and enjoy. I use a little metal tea infuser for the ginger but you can just pop it in and let it float around.

When I have quite a few lemons and oranges I like to make them into cubes, here’s that recipe.

Immunity Boosting Tea Frozen Cubes

4 Good sized Lemons squeezed
4 Oranges squeezed
15g Ginger grated
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper, more if you like it extra hot
1 cup Filtered water (I use a Bio 500 bench top filter)

Boil 1 cup of water and pour into a Pyrex measuring jug or similar, add the grated ginger and cayenne pepper and let sit for an hour then strain to remove pieces.
Add the squeezed grapefruit and lemon. Stir to combine and pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

When you’d like to make your tea boil a mug of water and add a teaspoon of Raw Manuka Honey, stir to dissolve then add two frozen cubes and keep stirring until ready.

*If you have a gastro bug take the cayenne pepper out.

– Triona