homemade herbal tincture

With Covid currently spreading around New Zealand it’s very helpful to have immune boosting supplements, teas, tonics and natural remedies on hand that can help lessen the impact. I have already had it a few weeks ago, only half our household came down with it and those who did recovered no problem.

My symptoms were not that bad, I was able to continue working but with a nap or two on the first two days.  After day three I felt a lot better, although I had brain fog for another five days and a very slight cough. I am sure taking supplements, Super Colloidal Silver, teas, tonics, gargling with Betadine iodine and keeping hydrated with plenty of fresh lemon water helped my speedy recovery.

This natural herbal medicine protocol from Anna Valentine at The Veggie Tree provides a wealth of information, it is what she used to treat her family with great success. She had already prepared a few of these remedies well in advance of getting symptoms.

From Anna ….

I am not a trained medical practitioner, herbalist or naturopath. I am self taught, I have been learning and independently researching extensively for the last three years in the natural herbal medicine realm. I have done extensive self experimentation, these and all the other remedies I share successfully with my immediate family and friends. My immediate family have no co-morbidities, health issues, have very good gut health from our daily glass of water kefir and still have a fully functioning natural immune system.

So many people crippled and living in fear of getting this virus that isn’t deadly for the vast majority of people who get it. And now I can say from experience that you have nothing to fear, when did we become so fearful of getting sick? It is part of being a human. Please start taking responsibility for your own health, it really is a necessity of life. You don’t need to run to the doctor for everything, first look at what you are putting in your mouths every day. Seriously. The doctor will patch you up and send you on your way, with prescriptions to last you a life time, like a slave to pharmaceuticals.

I went out, had a big night and had fun with my friends, dancing all night long, it’s what life is all about. Enjoying yourself not living in fear. Yes it looks like I paid the price, I caught it from someone, but I am glad I got it now I have natural immunity and can personally vouch for the natural remedies that helped my body’s beautiful, wonderful fighting cells beat the shit out of those nasty ones in three days flat, with a few days of lingering fatigue. I could actually feel my cells buzzing and body tingled after getting out of the magnesium baths I had for the aches and pains. Each sip of these wonder plant medicines supporting my natural immune system to fight back and heal its self with plenty of rest and the herbal protocol.

What I can tell you about it from mine and my family’s experience is pretty much a really bad flu for us. Yes, I totally realise other people have had different experiences, and I am not trying to belittle anyone else’s experiences or make light of the situation, on the contrary I am trying to give people tools to help themselves, give people hope that there are other options available to them, I am only sharing what happened to me and my family.

For the rest of this inspiring story from Anna Valentine at The Veggie Tree click here. Included in the article are recipes for how to make a healing tinctures/tonics, throat syrup and broth.