Have you ever noticed how your lovely fluffy towels slowly lose their softness over time and become hard and scratchy? 

You will notice this even more if you’ve been using commercial laundry powder and fabric softeners as the build up of mineral deposits and optical whiteners that are left behind create a film, also contributing to white towels going grey over time. 

However, when you add Soda Ash to hard water it combines with the minerals causing them to be pulled out and bound together so that they’re no longer free to react with soap to form scum that can attach to your towels.

This recipe for softener will help to rejuvenate your towels and keep them that way.

First treat any stains with Green Goddess Hemp & Eucalyptus Cleaning & Dish Wash Castile, pour onto stains, add water and rub gently until dissolved then wash.

Always make sure you wash the white towels separate to the coloured towels and don’t add other items of clothing as the lint from your towels will collect on the other fabric and cause them to pill.

Wash your towels in hot water if you want to keep them fluffy and soft.

Dry your towels on the line but fluff in the dryer to maintain softness.

Use this water softener every time you wash your towels.

In a pyrex jug put 1 tablespoon of Green Goddess Premium Borax and 2 tablespoons of Green Goddess Premium Soda Ash into 1/2 a cup of hot water and stir well until completely dissolved.  Add this to your load with the towels and a tablespoon of Green Goddess Natural Laundry Powder and wash them on hot or at the very least warm.

If you already have a bunch of yucky crunchy towels and would like to try bringing them back to life make a triple version of this recipe, place the offending towels in the machine, add warm water until they are covered, put the softener in, agitate and leave to soak overnight. In the morning add some hot water and natural laundry powder and wash as usual.