I’m always interested in new ones and recently bought The New Health Rules:Simple Changes to Achieve Whole Body Wellness. I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone wanting to change their lifestyle and get healthy. A lot of the content is things you and I already know such as throwing out chemical laden cleaning and beauty products, but it also has some lovely ideas for mind health as well. Here are my favourite take-outs from the book:
Don’t fear fat. Coconut oil & avocados, and contain healthy natural fats, which your brain and body need to function optimally.

  • Get 15 minutes of sunshine a day. You’ll boost vitamin D, mood and immunity in minutes.
  • Stop this egg-white omelet nonsense. Yolks are packed with satiating nutrients so put them back on your plate and feel fuller longer.
  • Curb sugar cravings. Eating less sugar reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes so the sooner you taper off, the sooner your risk will drop.
  • If you learn only one yoga pose…….let it be supta badha konasana.
  • Break up with bread.…….and over a 100 more tips