Allergy medication can be quite dubious. It tends to be expensive, it’s hard to find the right one for your specific issues and over the counter products at the pharmacy may not have the most desirable ingredients.

I’m of the opinion that if you can tackle a health problem without resorting to medication, then you always should.

Of course in serious cases you have to, but when it comes to the issues that arise during allergy season, there are natural alternatives.

An oil diffuser and the right concoction of essential oils can help ease allergy issues. If you’re not familiar with diffusers, they’re a device that will spread essential oil particles around the air of your home.

An electric diffuser is a good option for this, however do be careful if you have pets, they should not be left in the room without adequate air flow, especially if the room is small.

There are also some oils that are harmful to cats, for more information check out our blog here.

Depending on how your allergies are manifesting themselves in your body, there probably won’t be one specific oil that will deal with the problem, which is why I’d recommend a blend.

There’s several that you can try, but before you do, it’s worth familiarising yourself with how to use the diffuser. Specifically, how much oil you should put in it.

No matter the size of your diffuser, this guide from Complete Home Spa should cover the recommended dosage of your chosen oils.

With that in mind, here’s four essential oil blends, each of which will deal with a different set of symptoms.

For Itchy Eyes

3 drops of chamomile

3 drops of rosemary

3 drops of lemongrass


For Congestion

1 drop of lemon

2 drops of eucalyptus

2 drops of tea tree

3 drops of peppermint


For a Sore Throat

2 drops of clove

2 drops of lemon

2 drops of eucalyptus

2 drops of cinnamon leaf

2 drops of rosemary


For a Sinus Headache

4 drops of peppermint

2 drops of lavender

2 drops of jojoba oil