lady with heartburn or acid reflux

Did you know that over 12% of the global population suffers from heartburn at one point or another? Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the stomach and throat area, which may be accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

The condition arises when stomach acids rise into your oesophagus and is more likely to flare when lying down or after a large or fatty meal.

Heartburn may be a symptom of other health conditions, such as GERD (gastro-oesophagal reflux disorder) or a hiatal hernia. However, you can have heartburn without having a condition like GERD, so it does not necessarily indicate a more serious disorder or disease at play.

Many people experience heartburn during pregnancy, as do those who smoke, ingest large amounts of caffeine, eat spicy or greasy foods, drink alcohol, suffer from obesity, or take certain medications.

An occasional bout of heartburn is almost certainly no cause for concern, and there are plenty of effective home remedies that can alleviate the discomfort. With that said, if you suffer from heartburn regularly or find it interfering with your quality of life, speak to your naturopath or doctor about treatment options.

What Causes Heartburn?

If your oesophagal sphincter is relaxed or weakened, the contents of your stomach can enter back into your oesophagus after you have eaten. This is known as reflux. Your stomach acids can irritate the lining of your oesophagus, causing an uncomfortable burning sensation known as heartburn. If this happens continuously, the irritation will worsen, causing pain, inflammation and lasting discomfort. In pregnancy, heartburn may be worsened by high levels of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the oesophagal sphincter and leads to reflux.

Feeling the Burn? Try These Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn:

Avoid Foods that Cause Reflux

Certain foods are known to cause acid reflux and exacerbate heartburn. Reducing your intake of these foods may reduce your stomach acid levels and reduce the incidence of heartburn. Some of the most common foods and beverages implicated in acid reflux include alcohol, caffeine, carbonated and fizzy drinks, citrus, chocolate, onions, garlic, greasy foods, spicy foods, peppermint, and tomatoes.

Elevate Your Bed

Heartburn can strike at all hours of the night, and lying flat on your back can increase the risk of stomach acids moving into your oesophagus. Elevate the head of your bed using a specialised wedge pillow or something sturdy underneath your mattress to keep your head at an angle and prevent acid reflux. You can reduce your risk of suffering from heartburn by finishing eating at least three hours before you go to bed.

Drink Baking Soda in Water

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda offers quick relief from heartburn. Baking soda is a natural antacid that is easy to come by and cost-effective to use. It neutralises stomach acids within minutes. Make sure you are ingesting a natural baking soda like the one from Green Goddess. Most baking soda in the world is now man made and not naturally occurring. Mix 1 teaspoon of Green Goddess Premium Baking Soda into a small glass of warm water and drink.

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another popular remedy for heartburn. Although Harvard Health notes that people give it mixed reviews for this purpose, it is thought to trigger the oesophagal sphincter to close, preventing acid reflux in the process. It may help to lower the pH of your stomach contents, aiding digestion by creating a more acidic environment. Combine 1 tablespoon of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water. Add honey or another sweetener of your choice if desired, and mix to incorporate. Apple cider vinegar is best drunk before a meal to aid digestion and stave off reflux.

Try Chewing Gum

Chewing gum increases your rate of swallowing, which can help to clear acid from your oesophagus quickly. Studies show that chewing gum for half an hour after a meal can reduce acid reflux and thus reduce heartburn too. Chewing gum also helps you to produce more saliva, which neutralises your stomach acids and prevents reflux. Avoid gum containing mint or citrus, as these ingredients could exacerbate your heartburn.

Extra Measures to Alleviate Heartburn

Home remedies may assist with heartburn from time to time, but there are also lifestyle changes ‌you can make to prevent heartburn from becoming a recurring issue. Take these measures to reduce acid reflux and the associated discomfort.

Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity and overweight increase the chances of you experiencing heartburn regularly.

Speak with your naturopath or doctor. Many cases of heartburn are actually caused by certain medications. Your doctor may be able to recommend alternatives or different ways of taking your medication that will help to prevent heartburn.

Avoid snacking or eating late at night. As mentioned above, it’s best to eat three hours before going to bed. You should wait a minimum of an hour after eating before you settle in for the night.

Avoid smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. Both of these substances can increase your chance of suffering from heartburn, and they have a variety of other unpleasant effects on your health too!

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Tight, restrictive clothing can put unnecessary pressure on your digestive system and force stomach acids into your oesophagus, worsening your heartburn.

Keep your stress in check. Stress can cause heartburn and may prompt you to eat unhealthy, rich and spicy foods that can exacerbate acid reflux, too. Stress-reduction techniques, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and breath work, can help to reduce feelings of anxiety. If you are suffering from severe anxiety see your naturopath or doctor, they may
prescribe medication that you can then order from an online healthcare company.

Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of pure filtered water may help to keep your stomach acids at the correct pH
levels to prevent the irritation and discomfort that comes with reflux.

Stop Heartburn In Its Tracks

Millions of people across the globe deal with heartburn from time to time. While it is an uncomfortable condition, it can be successfully addressed through a combination of lifestyle changes and effective, affordable home remedies.

Try the remedies listed above to lower your risk of suffering from heartburn and soothe active heartburn attacks as they happen!