eat to write, foods for your brain

Do you find it difficult to write? Have you ever encountered a time when you found it challenging to focus and concentrate on routine tasks, or suddenly your memory fails and it becomes a problem to remember the right word in your vocabulary? It can be frustrating when you are trying to quickly, and efficiently, perform a creative task but the words just won’t flow. 

The ability to write well and effortlessly is closely linked to brain health. Your brain is essentially a production centre that needs nourishing, one way to do this is to choose nutrient rich foods that can help to activate your brain.

There’s no need to rush to the pharmacy for memory pills and brain stimulants. It turns out that European scientists conducted research and proved that a minor correction of the diet, which should include nutrient rich foods for the brain, can significantly improve the work of this organ.

How Healthy is Your Fridge?

The brain needs iron to concentrate on an important task. However, did you know that most people are lacking this substance? A lack of iron may be due to different circumstances. For example, improper nutritional behaviour or a negligent attitude toward health. Here are the foods that you should include in your diet to supply the brain and other organs with iron naturally:

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice

Green apples (preferably eat them whole, leaving only the stem)

Rye bread, lentils, chickpeas, beans



Cashew Nuts

Eating these foods can help improve concentration when taken daily. The writers who work for TrustMyPaper service adhere to healthy eating habits and therefore have no difficulty writing papers on various topics.

Foods for the Writers’ Brain

Foods for the brain and memory are not pills, coffee, or stimulators but healthy food and a proper diet. Bear in mind that a good helper and stimulant is natural chocolate. Do you need to focus and activate the brain so it is more effective to remember and recover the information? Eat a few cubes of bitter (containing at least 70% of cocoa) chocolate. Another benefit of good quality chocolate is its high flavonoid content. 

It stimulates the production of endorphins, known as the happiness hormone. Lecithin is irreplaceable on an excellent memory since it’s more than a third of the brain. In addition, the participation of vitamin B5 (another essential substance) converts lecithin into acetylcholine, an organic compound that positively affects memory, concentration, and mental abilities. So to give your brain all it needs, include foods with lecithin in your diet. 

For instance, you can eat different nuts in an amount not exceeding ten pieces a day (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews). To get enough vitamin B5, eat green vegetables, leafy greens, buckwheat, oatmeal, and whole-grain cereals. If you follow a healthy lifestyle and get enough nutrients every day, but your writing ability isn’t improving, use BestEssayEducation to take your creativity to the next level. Here you can work with qualified writers who have extensive writing and editing experience under their belt.

Mushrooms are a Superfood for Brain Health!

The importance of mushrooms for brain health has been discussed all over the internet of late. One of the best blends you can take are Super Me Smoothies Miracle Mushrooms which combines ten of the most researched mushrooms.These functional mushrooms boost your mind and body for vitality and wellness, including equal proportions of Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Shiitake, Antrodia, Agaricus Blazei and King Trumpet. Simply add 1 rounded teaspoon (4g) to your smoothie, coffee, beverage or food to provide your mushroom boost for the day.

Slow Сarbs, Fast Brain Work

Everyone is familiar with the unpleasant feeling of an “empty” head that appears at the end of a stressful day (if your diet isn’t healthy) at work. Then it seems that all brain functions have shut down: rational thinking, making quick decisions, reacting adequately, and remembering and retrieving information. It could mean that the body and the brain need a portion of glucose. Not without reason, in such situations, we are often drawn to eat something sweet: candy, a cake, or at least a cup of sweet latte.

However, these are all “fast” carbohydrates, from which glucose instantly enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain. But there is one thing: in this case, the stimulating effect disappears quickly. Thus, it’s better to cheer up with the help of “slow” carbohydrates. Fruits and cereal porridge will help more than effectively. Moreover, you can fortify yourself with a natural low sugar cereal bar during your work day.

Vitamin C and Сholine

Another essential substance that can help beat absent-mindedness and mental fatigue is vitamin C. It helps to activate the blood vessels of the brain. A glass of orange or grapefruit juice and a handful of fresh sour berries (for example, currants) or a vitamin C supplement daily has been shown to help to improve blood flow.

Do you know the feeling: in the head flashes an endless kaleidoscope of images, fragments of thoughts, and ideas, allowing neither concentration nor a good rest. You can fight this condition with choline, which is one of the components of the previously mentioned lecithin. Excellent sources of choline are pink fir apples baked in the skin, wheatgrass, boiled beans, and roasted peanuts. Also calcium and potassium can help to stimulate the brains reaction rate.

The key to achieving the best results is to get the proper nutrients by carefully balancing your daily diet. If you do, the problem of lack of inspiration or fatigue will most likely go away on its own. It’s not all that challenging to supply the brain with the necessary substances without the help of pharmacology. And you don’t have to drink 10 cups of coffee daily (it’s very unhealthy).

About the Author: Max Mitchell is a freelance writer. He is very passionate about typing and creating complicated spreadsheets. He is also the creative type of individual who will always find a new perspective on topics of interest.