homemade plantain salve

Plantain is a powerful ‘weed’ that has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it provides mild pain relief as well as increases circulation.

Topically plantain leaves are often used to soothe irritated skin. This includes all manner of skin irritations and minor inflammatory conditions, from eczema to minor allergic reactions, as well as cuts and stings.

You can make a powerful salve for healing by heating the plantain infused olive oil in a double boiler, and then slowly adding beeswax until the consistency is right.

White yarrow flowers

White yarrow flowers

Adding yarrow (bloodwort) flowers and leaves to this remedy harnesses the healing properties of both herbs. Yarrow is commonly found in pastures throughout New Zealand, when planting yarrow keep in mind it prefers well draining soil.

Yarrow can also be used for eczema, wound healing, and other conditions such as muscle spasms, inflammation and to fight infection.

When harvesting wild weeds make sure the areas have not been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides, and avoid places where dogs are routinely walked.

There are two types of plantain commonly growing in New Zealand. Both are also edible.

Plantain near stone curb

Plantain with round leaves

plantain growing

Plantain with longer skinny leaves

DIY Plantain Healing Salve

2 cups freshly picked plantain or 1.5 cups and 1/2 cup fresh yarrow

1 1/2 cups olive oil

30g bees wax


Chop up the plantain leaves and yarrow if using then add to a heat proof bowl and pour over the olive oil. Boil water in a pan and add to the bowl, turn down and simmer for an hour. Then leave for a couple of days to infuse.

Once infused into the oil, strain out the plant material. Then place the strained infused oil back into the heatproof bowl and place in a pan of gently simmering water.

Next add the beeswax and gently heat the oil just until the beeswax melts while stirring to distribute the wax. Once combined let cool slightly and pour into your salve tins or small jars.

Allow to cool completely before using. Use within a year for best potency.