DIY Natural Laundry Liquid ingredients

This mixture will keep you going for ages, it works just as well in cold or hot water, and can be used in front loaders as it doesn’t foam. Grated Green Goddess Almond & Avocado Castile is the base for this recipe.

Adding eucalyptus essential oil will give you a liquid that’s wonderful on woollens, merinos and delicates, just make sure you wash them on the most gentle cycle to keep the fibres in good shape. For babies clothes and anyone with super sensitive skin leave out the essential oil.

If you’d like to add a softener the most effective natural option is to add 1/4 cup Green Goddess Premium Baking Soda to your wash.

For a budget version you can use good old Sunlight soap (as long as you’re not allergic to fragrance and other additives that are in this soap) instead of Green Goddess Avocado & Almond Unscented Castile or Dr Bronner’s Baby Mild Castile soap, you’ll still be doing a lot less harm to the environment than using commercial laundry detergents that contain an array of pollutants and allergens.

Grated soap for natural laundry liquid

DIY Natural Laundry Liquid

60g grated Green Goddess Avocado & Almond Unscented Castile or Dr Bronners Baby Mild Castile Soap
1.5 litres cold water
½ cup Green Goddess Premium Soda Ash
50g  Green Goddess Premium Borax
1 litre hot water & another 5 litres hot water

Place soap in a saucepan with the first quantity of water and heat on low until soap is dissolved. Stir in washing soda and borax. Stir for a few minutes until it starts to thicken and then remove from heat.

Add 1 litre of hot water to a bucket. Add soap mixture and mix well. Fill bucket with another 5 litres of hot water and mix well. Pour into old milk bottles or other containers and set aside for 24 hours or until mixture thickens.

Makes approx 7.5 litres. Use 1/3 cup of liquid per load.

For a scented laundry liquid add about 20 drops essential oil at the end before pouring into the bottles. Eucalyptus Essential Oil is great for woollens, Lavender smells lovely or try Orange Sweet and Lemon for a citrusy scent.