DIY dry shampoo in tin with brush
DIY dry shampoo for light hair made with tapioca flour and cacao powder.

Sometimes life can be so busy that simply finding time to wash and dry your hair just doesn’t happen as often as you’d like it too. 

Thank goodness for these DIY natural shampoo powders which are perfect for those days when you need to dash out of the door, with just minutes to spare. Or even when you’re travelling or camping!

The recipes are available for dark, blonde and red hair colour, and are suitable for all hair lengths. It may seem easier to simply purchase an aerosol dry shampoo from a store, but you may change your mind after you read our article here.

For all these recipes, mix the ingredients together very well and leave overnight to infuse before use. You can select any essential oil that you love, but we’ve suggested those we feel work best.

Store in an airtight jar and apply to hair when needed, brushing from the roots out. I used a makeup brush, suitable for powder, that I keep aside for my dry shampoo application.

Remember that less is more, too much and you’ll get a powdery residue

Dark Hair Dry Shampoo

3 tbsp tapioca flour or cornflour

3 tbsp cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder

2 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

Light Hair Dry Shampoo

3 tbsp tapioca flour or cornflour

1/2 tbsp cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder  (if you have grey or very light hair you probably won’t need to add this)

2 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil 

Red Hair Dry Shampoo

3 tbsp tapioca flour or cornflour

1 tbsp cinnamon powder (you may need to adjust this according to your hair colour, do a spot test and see how it matches, add more for darker red and less for lighter)

2 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil