Do you suffer from magnesium deficiency? There are many different symptoms as magnesium deficiency can contribute to an array of health conditions.

Signs to look out for are muscle cramps, restless legs, low energy levels, poor sleep, and anxiety. These can be early indicators of a deficiency (if you’d like to know for certain, a naturopath or doctor can send you for a blood test to check if you’re deficient).

An easy way to get more magnesium is by using a transdermal cream, lotion or body butter.

I also take a magnesium supplement, but as with all vitamins taken internally, they only work as well as your digestive system is working.

In the evening I apply topical magnesium and have noticed an improvement in my sleep and I’m sure it’s helping lessen the ache in my arm too.

DIY Healing Magnesium Body Butter

1/2 cup shea butter
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup magnesium oil (buy this online here or at the pharmacy)
1 tbsp jojoba oil
20 – 25 drops lavender essential oil


Create a double broiler with a bowl over a pan of water, keep this on warm. Place the shea butter, coconut oil, and jojoba oil in the bowl and melt them while stirring to combine. Don’t let it over heat.

Once combined remove from heat and add the lavender essential oil, stir again. Refrigerate for about an hour (or 20-30 mins in the freezer) until the mixture is soft but not set.

It’s now time to add the magnesium oil, use a hand mixer to whip whilst adding the oil a little at a time, you want to end up with a light creamy butter. If it doesn’t whip put it back in the fridge again and try again in 5-10 mins.

Store in an airtight jar. If you have sore muscles rub on some body butter. If you have aches and pains a massage with body butter will feel lovely. Apply each night or as needed. Always use clean hands so as not to transfer bacteria to the jar and don’t apply on broken skin.