DIY Natural Leaf Shine

Dust, dirt and dander naturally collect on house plant leaves, too much can block the plant from absorbing light which can inhibit its ability to grow.

Regular store bought leaf shine can actually be detrimental to the health of your plants and to you too – again check labels when purchasing. Instead try making your own leaf shine with this recipe, this way you are able to control the ingredients and know exactly what you’re exposing yourself and your plants to.

Treating plant leaves once a month is usually enough to keep your houseplants’ leaves looking good and will also combat potential pests and diseases.

Don’t use this leaf shine on plants with leaves that have a fuzzy coating or on cacti.

DIY leaf shine ingredients

DIY Leaf Shine for Indoor Plants

2 cups Water

12 drops Neem Oil

1/4 teaspoon Hemp & Coconut Unscented Liquid Castile Soap

Put all of the ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well before each use. If you don’t have a spray bottle you can make this up in a jar and shake, then dip a cloth in. If using the spray, lightly mist each leaf and use a cloth to distribute and polish the leaves.

If you have a diseased plant make sure you use a different cloth for each plant or wash the cloth in between use.

*Plants are fantastic to have in the home to help oxygenate the air, especially in the bedroom to improve sleep quality and fight insomnia. If you’re interested in reading about the top eleven indoor plants for air filtration click here.