hands in shape of love heart

I found this article very poignant and I think it reflects the way many of us are feeling today, walking a tightrope between fear, anxiety and sometimes anger at the current state of our country and the world. Moving from a state of fear and negativity into one of love and positivity as much as possible will have a positive effect on your wellbeing.

This article is from Patricia who is a qualified Nutritionist (B.Sc.), registered Touch for Health Kinesiology Practitioner and a Yoga Teacher. Her mission is to help her clients bring their whole being back into balance – and with that experience vibrant health and happiness!

You can get in touch with Patricia via her website Equilibrium.kiwi.nz

What to do if you feel powerless in the face of fear-creating news? Destroy Fear with Love – Spread Love over the whole planet!

I am not accepting it anymore to be brainwashed with negativity that creates fear. I will actively do something against it. And I want to invite you to do the same and join me.

We’re exposed to fear from so many directions … fear from burglaries and crimes being fought with more police presence and more laws … fear from drugs being fought with the war against drugs … fear from cancer being fought with the war against cancer … fear from terrorism being fought with the war against terrorism … fear of having no money, but hey the bank and their credits can help you … fear of having no job, but hey an expensive University study will make sure you’ll work well in the system … fear of disease being fought with more and more vaccinations and legal drugs … fear of cavities being fought with fluoridation in water … fear from a nuclear war … fear from natural disasters, got plenty of them at the moment …..

And all this is being brought to us by the media via news, newspapers, magazines, radio, facebook and more. All this is produced to brainwash us and to keep us in fear. We’re all being enslaved to this fear! If we live in fear we can’t see what’s really going on and we are not able to live our life to its full potential.

Who’s behind creating all this is another big story and I don’t want to get into this, as I don’t want to give this any more energy.

You know what? The grass that we water will always be greener than the grass that we don’t water. Basically when we give energy to something it will grow and multiply. Simple physics.

What can we do?

Quite simple, start with not giving this fear and anything creating fear in you any energy, any power.

Stop watching and reading the mainstream media and the fear – creating news. Stop engaging in all the negativity that will just cause more fear.

Choose something that will destroy fear and that gives fear no chance. Choose love and spread love. For yourself, your family and friends. For people you meet during your day. But don’t stop there. Choose love for the whole planet, blanket the whole planet in imaginary love, visualise it. Every evening before you go to sleep and every morning after waking up spread imaginary love over the whole planet. If enough of us engage in this activity I guarantee there’ll be a positive change happening in this world.

I really welcome your thoughts on this. Let me know if you’re in! 

Contact me here [email protected]

Love Patricia

Live Like You Love YourSelf

More about Patricia and Equilibrium …

What is health? It is not just the absence of disease, it is feeling at your best on all levels. Did you hear of the middle-aged runner who was totally healthy and had a heart attack? Or the young person who got cancer out of nowhere and died in the matter of a few months? They appeared to be healthy, but something was obviously not working at its optimum level.

Disease takes months and years to develop. Wouldn’t it be great to support your body in such a way that disease has no chance of even developing?

With Touch for Health Kinesiology I have the tools to talk to your body, mind and emotions. I’m creating the space and support  for you to achieve optimum vibrant health. Our bodies are always talking to us, it’s up to us to listen to act – Touch for Health Kinesiology enables us to listen and to take the right steps.

I’m also teaching all four levels of the TFH syllabus. You’ll learn tools and techniques that will enable you to help yourself, your family, friends and your clients to achieve better health and happiness.

It is not a “one diet for all” solution, but a way of working with you to help you to choose and create food that feeds your body and soul. It is based on years of research combined with practical experience of raising a family in the 21st century and now strongly enhanced by Kinesiology.

The big advantage that I can bring to your table (pun intended) and health outcome is muscle testing to find out what food is beneficial for you and what food isn’t. And if we find any sensitivities (food or other sources) then there’s a high chance that I can clear that sensitivity in one session for you. Yes, even allergies can be overcome!

My advice is based on eating for optimal health and longevity by eating real and unprocessed food, taking in account your current health situation, your likes and dislikes and your lifestyle. When we work together we’ll start from where you are at and work towards your goals in health and wellbeing, incorporating all the aspects that play a part in how you can achieve long lasting health.