commercial deodorants on blue background

There has been a lot reported about the dangers of commercial deodorants and antiperspirants as they can contain toxins such as synthetics, phthalates, propylene glycol, fragrance, aluminium, parabens and diethanolamine which is linked to cancer.

The aluminium (a neurotoxin) in antiperspirants prevents the pores from sweating, which is a natural process that helps to remove toxins from the body. There is no doubt some people sweat profusely and don’t smell very good. But there are many others whose body odour ranges from mild to non-existent, and they could probably get by without rolling chemicals on every morning.

I’m still one of those people who puts deodorant on every day, however I only use Green Goddess natural deodorants (my favourite is Original Lavender at the moment). We have all grown up with with advertising which has conditioned us to believe that if we sweat our workmates and friends will shun us into oblivion and we’ll be Nelly No Mates. Sweating is a natural process and doesn’t necessarily come along with a strong smell. 

When you wear a natural deodorant your body will adjust and any initial smell from the release of toxins from using a standard commercial deodorant or antiperspirant reduces over a short amount of time, usually a day or two.

Aside from purchasing one of our lovely natural deodorants you can make your own with this recipe.

Or you can try one of these simple natural options …

• Cider vinegar or white vinegar dabbed under the arms not only keeps you incredibly clean but neutralises the pH levels.

• Pat baking soda onto your underarms with a powder puff or similar.

• A cut lemon rubbed under your arms is great as long as you are not allergic to citrus.

• Make a solution of 3 tbsp witch hazel, 2 tbsp vodka, 2 tsp glycerine and 15 drops of your favourite essential oils, blended. Pour into a spray bottle and spray away. Oils particularly good for disguising odours are patchouli, rose geranium, lime, lavender and bergamot.

When you shave under your arms always wait at least half an hour before applying.