laundry dish wash capsules highly toxic

I’ve never understood the reasoning behind packaging laundry detergent in little plastic capsules or dishwasher powder in tablets which look just like lollies!

Surely the time saved by using one of those compared to actually pouring in some of the product to your appliance is negligible – perhaps 30 seconds a day? Is that really so important that you would risk the lives of your children who might mistake one of these tantalising capsules for a lolly?

Well, the bad news is that little laundry capsules are now so popular in the States that they pose a poisoning risk to young children, says a study in the journal Paediatrics.

The capsules are small packets of concentrated detergent in a water-soluble sack. Many are packaged colourfully and look like candy. Children are swallowing them or bursting them open, “exposing their skin or eyes to the detergent chemicals,” the study said.

From 2012 through 2013, it said, more than 17,000 US children younger than 6 were exposed to the pre-measured pods, with many kids ingesting them.

So please just stop using them. It really only takes 30 seconds to spoon some stuff out of bag and even if you don’t have children, what happens if some come to visit? Not to mention how toxic these are for our planet!

To read more about the Paediatrics article click here.

To purchase natural laundry powder and natural dish powder click here.