How fantastic is the new packaging from Ceres for their organic flours? Made from plants and home compostable.
Plastic build-up is the number one concern of
New Zealanders. We hear ya! At Ceres Organics,
in everything we do, we are always looking for new
ways to reduce our impact on the planet. We are
beyond pleased to be cancelling plastic bag orders
in favour of a new, more sustainable alternative.
You’ll now find our flour in home compostable bags.
Made from plants! Like our world-first transparent,
home compostable bags, these are made from a
combination of compostable material, including
corn starch and wood pulp.
Given that our flour is organic, it’s more prone to
wee visitors setting up camp (like us they know
organics are the way to go!) Until recently, we have
been hard-pressed to find a packaging alternative
offering the protection plastic has against these
unwelcome guests. But praise new technologies!
We now have a solution with the barrier properties
required to house high-quality flour and ensure
its freshness, without the use of any unnatural
additives or processing.
Now the kicker, you can put this bag in your home
compost, containing heat, water, oxygen, soil and
microorganisms, and it will breakdown within
months! To help it on its journey, we suggest ripping
it into smaller pieces. We’re proud to be feeding
the soil and helping reduce consumption of single
use plastics.
For information on Ceres’s delicious range of organic flours click this link.

About The Author: Triona
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